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POSTED ON September 11, 2018  - POSTED IN Key Gold Headlines

The August jobs report came out last Friday. Mike Maharrey offered a little bit of analysis during the Friday Gold Wrap podcast, saying he was skeptical that the actual employment situation is as great as the mainstream seems to think. Peter Schiff offered a more in-depth breakdown of the employment report in his latest podcast, saying it was “anything but strong.”

POSTED ON June 5, 2018  - POSTED IN Key Gold Headlines

A lot of seemingly positive economic data came out last week, but in his most recent podcast, Peter Schiff said it is just feeding into a delusional economic narrative that ignores the most fundamental storyline – debt. Everybody is talking about a new era of prosperity, but Peter said it’s a phony prosperity and it isn’t going to last.

POSTED ON December 11, 2017  - POSTED IN Key Gold Headlines

President Trump has completely flip-flopped the way he looks at economic data. When he was on the campaign trail, he called the stock market a “big, fat, ugly bubble.” Now that he’s sitting in the Oval Office, he takes credit for the same bubble.

He’s done the same kind of 180 when it comes to employment data. On the campaign trail, he called 5% unemployment “the biggest hoax in American history.” But when the jobs report came out last week, Trump eagerly tweeted,  “The unemployment rate remains at a 17-year low of 4.1%. The unemployment rate in manufacturing dropped to 2.6%, the lowest ever recorded. The unemployment rate among Hispanics dropped to 4.7%, the lowest ever recorded…”

Peter Schiff called Trump out on his flip-flop in his most recent podcast.

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