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Posts Tagged: “Donald Trump

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November 21, 2017Key Gold Headlines

Tax Cuts Without the Reform

Last week, the House passed its version of “tax reform,” along party lines. The final vote came in at 227-205, with the entire Democratic caucus opposing the bill. Thirteen Republicans joined the Democrats in voting no. The debate now shifts to the Senate where things will likely become more contentious. Wisconsin Republican Sen. Ron Johnson has […]

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November 8, 2017Key Gold Headlines

Deficits Could Undercut Benefit of Tax Cuts

During a recent interview with Investing News Network, Peter Schiff reiterated something he’s been saying for the last several months. The stock market is still a big, fat, ugly bubble, and misplaced optimism continues to blow it up. [Pres Trump has] accomplished blowing more air into a stock market bubble that already existed before he […]

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November 3, 2017Key Gold Headlines

Another Swamp Creature to Head the Fed

Trump said he was going to drain the swamp. Apparently, the drain is clogged. Trump picked another swamp creature to chair the Federal Reserve. Jerome Powell got the nod to replace Janet Yellen when her term as Fed chair ends in February. As Tho Bishop at the Mises Institute put it, “this means Trump will ensure that, while […]

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