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Posts Tagged: “Donald Trump

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October 4, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Peter Schiff: NAFTA Rebrand Is a Marketing Fraud

President Trump managed to put together a new NAFTA deal with Canada just before the deadline. In his latest podcast, Peter Schiff called the “NAFTA rebrand” a marketing fraud. When Donald Trump was a candidate, he said NAFTA was the worst trade agreement ever negotiated by anybody. Even as he was taking credit for the […]

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September 19, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Peter Schiff Talks Trade War and Politics

The trade war between the US and China escalated again this week. The US slapped an additional $200 billion in tariffs on Chinese goods. The tax starts at 10% and will increase to 25% by the end of the year. China retaliated by announcing another $60 billion in tariffs on US goods. As Peter Schiff noted […]

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August 21, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Peter Schiff: Making the Dollar Weak Again

Through the last several presidential administrations, the US has maintained a “strong dollar” policy. As Peter Schiff pointed out in his most recent podcast, it wasn’t so much that you could pinpoint the specific tenets of the policy. It was more about the rhetoric that came out of Washington D.C. Everybody talked about the strong dollar […]

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