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Posts Tagged: “Donald Trump

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April 19, 2019Friday Gold Wrap

Monetary Heroin: SchiffGold Friday Gold Wrap 04.19.19

Just a few weeks ago, the mainstream was worried about economic growth. Now, all of a sudden, the mainstream is bullish about economic growth. It seems like the high from the Fed’s monetary heroin has fully taken hold. And it’s not just in the US. In this episode of the Friday Gold Wrap, host Mike […]

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April 1, 2019Peter's Podcast

Peter Schiff: A Gift From the Federal Reserve

The Dow Jones closed out Q1 2019 with its best quarterly gain since 1998, rising 10.3% through the first three months of the year. And the Dow Jones wasn’t alone in its bang-up first quarter. The S&P 500 rose 12.3%. The Russell 2000 was up 13.8%. And the Nasdaq led the entire pack with a 15.6% […]

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January 18, 2019Fun on Friday

Fun on Friday: Trump Grounds Nancy Pelosi

Did you hear what President Trump did to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi? He grounded her airplane — 40 minutes before she was supposed to take off on a big excursion. Whether you love Trump or hate him, you have to admit he’s the greatest troll to ever occupy the Oval Office.

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