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Posts Tagged: “Donald Trump

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January 16, 2020Peter's Podcast

Peter Schiff: The Art of the Fake Trade Deal

Donald Trump and Chinese Vice Premier Liu signed the Phase 1 trade deal on Wednesday. The mainstream was generally bullish on the news, but there was some underlying concern because the deal did not bring substantive tariff relief. Peter Schiff broke down the deal in his latest podcast, saying that despite all the hype, the […]

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November 20, 2019Videos

Peter Schiff: This Is Going to End Very Poorly

On Nov. 18, Peter Schiff appeared on RT Boom Bust to talk stock markets, trade war and Federal Reserve policy. He said that right now the Fed is doing a good job stimulating the bubbles, but ultimately, it’s going to end very poorly. On the trade war front, there seems to be a lot of […]

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September 12, 2019Peter's Podcast

Peter Schiff: Negative Interest Rates Are Boneheaded

Donald Trump has been badgering Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell for months, begging for lower interest rates. Yesterday, he took things to another level, saying that the “boneheads” at the Fed need to push rates into negative territory. In his podcast, Peter Schiff said negative interest rates are boneheaded.

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August 28, 2019Videos

Peter Schiff: Trade Deals Won’t Fix the Economy

One day Trump is on Twitter ratcheting up the trade war with China and the next he is pulling back and saying a deal is close. This back-and-forth has been yo-yoing markets for months. Peter Schiff recently appeared on RT Boom Bust to talk about the trade war. He said he doesn’t think there’s much […]

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August 26, 2019Peter's Podcast

Peter Schiff: Trump Loses It on Twitter

Donald Trump went on a Twitter rant Friday. In his latest podcast, Peter Schiff said the president basically “lost it.” There was a lot of news on Friday before Trump went off on Twitter. Jerome Powell gave his speech at Jackson Hole. He was generally upbeat about the economy. Then China announced additional tariffs on […]

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