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Posts Tagged: “credit card

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July 24, 2018Key Gold Headlines

America’s Fake Recovery Built on Working-Class Debt

It’s time to get real. This grand economy everybody keeps telling us about is actually a house of cards built out of cheap money and debt. And it won’t take much to blow it over. A recent article by Reuters reveals just how precarious the so-called economic recovery really is. According to the report, the bottom […]

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March 23, 2018Key Gold Headlines

What Do Fed Rate Hikes Mean to Me?

The Federal Reserve bumped up interest rates another 25 basis points this week. The target federal funds rate now stands at 1.75%. “Well, OK,” you might be thinking. “But this is just a bunch of wonkish policy stuff. What’s it to me?” In a nutshell, it means your debt is going to cost you more. […]

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February 14, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Total Household Debt Hit Record $13 Trillion in 2017

Passage of a GOP budget that added $300 billion in new spending has focused plenty of attention on surging federal government debt over the last week or so. But Uncle Sam isn’t the only one running up those credit cards. Everyday Americans are also piling on the debt. Total household debt soared to a record $13 trillion […]

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November 8, 2017Key Gold Headlines

US Consumer Debt Continues to Balloon

Last summer, US Global Investors CEO Frank Holmes called debt “the mother of all bubbles.” That bubble continues to blow up. US consumer debt increased even more than expected in September. According to data released by the Federal Reserve, total credit rose by $20.8 billion, an annualized rate of 6.6%. Analysts had expected an increase in […]

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