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Posts Tagged: “COMEX

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October 31, 2022Exploring Finance

Will Managed Money Get Stuck Holding the Short Straw?

Managed money has controlled the gold and silver market over the last several months. But there are other dynamics going on unnoticed under the surface. Please note: the CoTs report was published 10/28/2022 for the period ending 10/25/2022. “Managed Money” and “Hedge Funds” are used interchangeably.

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October 29, 2022Exploring Finance

Comex Results: This Game Has Changed

“How did you go bankrupt?” “Very slowly at first, and then very quickly?” The data shows that the Comex is in the middle of experiencing a run on its vaults that is really taking its toll and continuing to accelerate. If you read no further in this analysis, first just take a look at Figure […]

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September 30, 2022Exploring Finance

Comex: Platinum Shorts Live to See Another Day

I typically start this analysis with gold, but the action in the platinum market is impossible to ignore. The next four charts should tell you everything you need to know. First, similar to gold and silver, platinum has seen a much higher delivery volume since the pandemic struck in 2020.

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September 20, 2022Exploring Finance

Comex Stock Report: The Vaults are Still Bleeding

This analysis focuses on gold and silver within the Comex/CME futures exchange. See the article What is the Comex? for more detail. The charts and tables below specifically analyze the physical stock/inventory data at the Comex to show the physical movement of metal into and out of Comex vaults.

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August 25, 2022Metal Exchange

Getting Technical: A Metal Exchange Interview

Over the last several months, you may have noticed a new series of articles with a data-driven focus here at SchiffGold. In this Metal Exchange interview, host Mike Maharrey talks to the man behind those posts. Mike and Tony dig into the ins and outs of technical, data-driven analysis and how it can expand our […]

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