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Posts Tagged: “bonds

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January 11, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Warning Bell? China May Stop Buying US Debt

Ding. They say bells never ring when markets hit the top. But maybe they do and people just don’t listen. Yesterday, Bloomberg reported China may slow or even stop its purchase of US Treasuries. In other words, a major source of US government debt financing may be pulling out. This comes at the same time […]

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December 27, 2017Guest Commentaries

The Fed Plays the Economy Like an Accordion

We talk a lot about how central banks serve as the primary force driving the business cycle. When a recession hits, central banks like the Federal Reserve drive interest rates down and launch quantitative easing to stimulate the economy. Once the recovery takes hold, the Fed tightens its monetary policy, raising interest rates and ending QE. […]

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November 27, 2017Key Gold Headlines

2017: The Year of the Bubbles

2017 may well go down in history as the year of the bubble. We’ve talked a lot about the stock market bubble in recent months, but there are a whole slew of bubbles floating around out there – most of them created by loose monetary policy that has dumped billions of dollars of easy money […]

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November 22, 2017Key Gold Headlines

Last Time Housing, This Time Bonds

Over the last couple of months, we’ve focused a lot of attention on the stock market bubble. But some analysts say we should be watching the bond market bubble. Last summer, former Fed chair Alan Greenspan issued an emphatic warning: Beware, the bond bubble is about to burst. And when it does, it will take stock […]

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