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August 12, 2021Metal Exchange

Going for Silver With Michael DiRienzo – A SchiffGold Metal Exchange Interview

When it comes to precious metals investing, gold tends to hog the spotlight. But silver is also important to investors, both as an industrial and a monetary metal.

In this Gold Exchange interview, host Mike Maharrey chats with Silver Institute Executive Director Michael DiRienzo about the current state of the silver market and where it’s going in the future.

Topics Discussed

  • The impact of COVID on the silver market
  • Supply and demand dynamics moving forward
  • The impact of the move toward “green energy” on the silver market
  • Federal Reserve monetary policy
  • The attempted Reddit silver squeeze
  • The silver-gold ratio and what it might be telling us
  • New innovations using silver


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Silver Institute Twitter @SilverInstitute

Fun on Friday: Going for Olympic – Silver?

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NOTE: The opinions expressed by guests on Metal Exchange do not necessarily reflect those of SchiffGold, Peter Schiff or Mike Maharrey

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