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August 25, 2022Metal Exchange

Getting Technical: A Metal Exchange Interview

Over the last several months, you may have noticed a new series of articles with a data-driven focus here at SchiffGold. In this Metal Exchange interview, host Mike Maharrey talks to the man behind those posts.

Mike and Tony dig into the ins and outs of technical, data-driven analysis and how it can expand our understanding of the gold and silver markets.

Topics Discussed

What is technical analysis?

What types of data can we analyze?

The benefits and limitations of this type of analysis?

What does a deeper look at the national debt tell us?

What is the COMEX?

How does COMEX activity impact the gold and silver markets?

What is the difference between ETFs and Future Contracts?

Is it really possible to short-squeeze the silver market?

What about price manipulation?

SchiffGold’s Metal Exchange features interviews with movers and shakers in the world of precious metals, investing, politics and economics.


Exploring Finance Series

What Is the COMEX?

Comex Inventories Plummet – Is a “Vault-Run” Underway?

Michael Lynch: How Much Metal Does the Comex Really Have

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NOTE: The opinions expressed by guests on Metal Exchange do not necessarily reflect those of SchiffGold, Peter Schiff or Mike Maharrey

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