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May 3, 2021It's Your Dime

The War Against Your Wealth: Interview With Investor and Author E.B. Tucker

What is the government doing to your money? And how can you protect yourself?

These are key questions facing every American today. In this interview, Friday Gold Wrap Podcast host Mike Maharrey tries to dig out some answers with investment veteran and author E.B. Tucker.

Tucker is the author of Why Gold? Why Now? The War Against Your Wealth and How to Win It. As the title suggests, the book about investing in gold. But it’s really about far more than that. The book explains how government actors and central bankers are destroying your wealth through intentional policies that warp the economy and devalue your money.

As Tucker explains in the book, once we understand the problem, we can take steps to protect our wealth. And gold serves as an important part of that strategy. As the book explains, “Gold is the only asset that’s not someone else’s liability. Apartments rely on paying tenants, stocks rely on company profits, bonds rely on stable interest payments. Gold doesn’t rely on anyone or anything for its value.”

In this interview, Mike and E.B. talk about the current state of the economy with a focus on dollar devaluation, inflation, and the power of gold as an investment to help win the war against your wealth. We also discuss gold royalty companies and how they fit into the broader gold market.

Tucker has decades of experience in the investing world and has written for numerous financial publications, including Casey Research.  He currently serves as director of Midas Capital Partners, LLC, a capital markets consultancy. Tucker has served as the analyst and lead analyst on Stansberry’s Investment Advisory and The Bill Bonner Letter respectively. Prior to joining Stansberry, Tucker was a founding partner of KSIR Capital Management, an asset management firm focused on precious metal equities. He also co-founded KSIR Capital, a corporate finance advisory firm focused on the precious metals industry. He holds a B.Sc. in Business Administration with a focus in Finance from the College of Charleston in Charleston, South Carolina.


Why Gold? Why Now?: The War Against Your Wealth and How to Win It

Metalla Royalty and Streaming

E.B. Tucker Archives at Casey Research

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