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November 29, 2018It's Your Dime

Prepping Basics: It’s Your Dime Interview with Preparedness Expert Suzanne Sherman

Are you prepared for a disaster?

People tend to stereotype “preppers” as tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists waiting for the zombie apocalypse. Suzanne Sherman busts all the stereotypes.

Suzanne is a former lawyer from California who became passionate about preparedness living with the specter of California earthquakes. Now she has fully embraced the “prepper” lifestyle. It’s not about doomsday at all. As you’ll see from this wide-ranging interview, preparedness is really about self-sufficiency and independence.


– Why everybody should be prepared for a disaster.

– Why we can’t count on government to save us.

– What kinds of supplies we should have on hand in an emergency.

– How to store all your prepper stuff.

– Planning for your entire family.

– How to be ready for a barter economy.

– The ethics of preparedness.

SchiffGold’s It’s Your Dime features “straight talk” interviews with movers and shakers in the world of precious metals, investing and economics.

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