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December 31, 2018It's Your Dime

Nullification! It’s Your Dime Interview with Tenth Amendment Center Founder Michael Boldin

What can we do when the federal government exceeds its constitutional authority? Thomas Jefferson answered that question in 1798. He said, “nullification is the rightful remedy.” But what in the world is nullification? And how do you do it?

If you want to understand the principles of nullification first formally outlined by Jefferson and James Madison, and how to put them into practice, the Tenth Amendment Center is the best resource out there. In this episode of It’s Your Dime, I talk to TAC founder and executive director Michael Boldin.

Topics Discussed

– The Tenth Amendment and the original meaning of the Constitution

– The inspiration for the Tenth Amendment Center

– The importance of political decentralization

– How states, localities and even individuals can stop federal overreach through nullification

– Sound money

– How currency competition can undermine the Federal Reserve’s monopoly on money.

SchiffGold’s It’s Your Dime features “straight talk” interviews with movers and shakers in the world of precious metals, investing, politics and economics.


Tenth Amendment Center website

The Kentucky Resolutions of 1798 (Thomas Jefferson)

The Virginia Resolutions of 1798 (James Madison)

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