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January 28, 2019It's Your Dime

Free Minds and Free Markets: It’s Your Dime Interview with Reason’s Nick Gillespie

From the moment we enter the education system, we’re taught that government provides a benevolent hand that guides the economy and protects its citizens. For more than 50 years, Reason Magazine has been exposing the cracks in this narrative, contrasting the heavy hand of government with the beauty of free minds and free markets.

In this episode of It’s Your Dime, Mike Maharrey talks with Reason editor-at-large Nick Gillespie.

Topics Discussed

  • What the evolution of music can tell us about the advance of freedom
  • Nick’s path to a libertarian worldview
  • The History of Reason and Nick’s work there
  • Why we need free markets
  • Absurd government regulations
  • How the government’s control of money stifles freedom
  • Trump’s wall

SchiffGold’s It’s Your Dime features “straight talk” interviews with movers and shakers in the world of precious metals, investing, politics and economics.

Nick Gillespie is currently the editor at large of Reason. He served as the editor in chief and Reason TV from 2008 through 2017 and was Reason magazine’s editor in chief from 2000 to 2008. Under his direction, Reason won the 2005 Western Publications Association “Maggie” Award for Best Political Magazine. Gillespie originally joined Reason‘s staff in 1993 as an assistant editor and ascended to the top slot in 2000.

NOTE: The opinions expressed by guests on It’s Your Dime do not necessarily reflect those of SchiffGold, Peter Schiff or Mike Maharrey

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