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January 14, 2019It's Your Dime

Build That Wall? It’s Your Dime Interview With Journalist Ryan Girdusky

Immigration policy is one of the biggest issues facing America right now. It’s also one of the most contentious. Should the US build a wall along the Mexican border? Are there other immigration policy reforms the US should consider? And why does it even matter?

Mike Maharrey explores the immigration issue with journalist Ryan Girdusky in this episode of It’s Your Dime.   They also talk politics, discussing the midterm elections and Trump’s prospects for 2020.

Topics Discussed

  • Why Should the US build a wall?
  • How could the US reform its asylum laws?
  • How could national adoption of e-verify help solve the immigration issue?
  • What role does foreign aid play in immigration policy?
  • The economic cost of illegal immigration.
  • The biggest winners in the midterm elections.
  • Pres. Trump’s prospects for reelection.
  • The backlash the president could experience by claiming credit for the rising stock market last year.

SchiffGold’s It’s Your Dime features “straight talk” interviews with movers and shakers in the world of precious metals, investing, politics and economics.

Ryan Girdusky is a New York-based journalist who writes for the Washington Examiner and a number of other publications. He is a frequent guest on Fox News, Fox Business, and radio shows nationwide.

NOTE: The opinions expressed by guests on It’s Your Dime do not necessarily reflect those of SchiffGold, Peter Schiff or Mike Maharrey


Here’s how Trump can finally make progress on immigration (and it’s not a government shutdown)

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