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October 15, 2013Interviews

Silver Looks Golden: Peter Schiff Q&A

Peter Schiff recently gave an exclusive interview to Commodity HQ, focusing on the great potential silver has in the coming years. Rather than worry about investment products that are backed by physical gold or silver, Peter recommends buying the actual precious metals and storing them in a safe place.

[Investors] should be paying attention to both gold and silver. They are both precious metals and I think they are both going to benefit from the continuous inflation that is being created. This comes primarily from the Federal Reserve, but also from central banks around the world that kind of battle each other in a currency war that is really a race to the bottom to see which country can depreciate their currency the fastest. That is a great environment for alternatives to fiat currencies. Gold and silver have been real money for thousands of years and I think they will be primary beneficiaries of the current round of quantitative easing.”

Read the Full Interview Here

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