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July 24, 2013Interviews

The Dollar Is Going to Collapse Before the Market (Audio)

Tekoa Da Silva of Bull Market Thinking interviewed Peter Schiff last week about the ugly reality that faces the economy when the Fed’s quantitative easing backfires.

[The Fed] pretends that there is an exit strategy, knowing that exit is impossible. They just have to maintain the pretense as long as they can before the market figures out the true predicament that they’re in. Now they talk about tapering in the future but they can’t taper right now. If the economy is strong enough for tapering, why wait four months, why wait six months? Why not just do it? It’s kind of like the guy who is overweight, and he constantly tells you he is going on a diet but he’s going to start next month. Why don’t you start right now? It’s easy to talk about something you’re going to do in the future. What’s hard is to actually do something in the present. No matter what Ben Bernanke says, between now and the time when he’s supposed to taper, he will come up with an excuse why he can’t. I think he already knows this.”

Listen to the Audio Interview Here

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