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The Fed’s Monetary “Experiment” Is a Failure

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More and more mainstream investors are waking up to the economic problems stemming from the Federal Reserve’s unprecedented amount of money-printing in the last six years. This new opinion piece from Investor’s Business Daily takes a look at Janet Yellen’s congressional testimony and explains why the economy will be reeling for years from the damage done by QE. If you agree with people like Peter Schiff and believe that the “Real Crash” is approaching, make sure you’ve protected your savings with physical gold and silver.

The recovery is not yet ‘complete,’ Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen suggested Tuesday, but the central bank plans to let interest rates rise anyway. We’ll soon learn just how solid this so-called recovery is.

‘The economy is continuing to make progress toward the Fed’s objectives of maximum employment and price stability,’ Yellen told Congress, predicting ‘a moderate pace’ of growth for the economy ‘over the next several years.’

Sadly, we don’t fully share her rosy outlook. Indeed, we think the Fed’s extraordinary interventions over the past 5-1/2 years have distorted markets and prices, and have held the economy back.”

Read the Full Piece Here

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