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March 31, 2023Friday Gold Wrap

The Next Shoe to Drop? SchiffGold Friday Gold Wrap March 31, 2023

The Federal Reserve has added nearly $400 billion to its balance sheet in just two weeks while simultaneously claiming to still be in the inflation fight. While things seemed pretty quiet this week after the bank bailout, Friday Gold Wrap host Mike Maharrey says it’s only a matter of time before the next shoe drops. What will that be? In this episode, he talks about one possibility. He also talks about some interesting demand news in the silver market.


  • The Fed balance sheet is getting bigger fast
  • The Fed has created a mess
  • What might break next?
  • The solar energy market is poised to drive silver demand drastically higher

The SchiffGold Friday Gold Wrap podcast combines a succinct summary of the week’s economic precious metals news coupled with thoughtful analysis. You can subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts and other podcasting platforms. The links are below.

Tune in to the Friday Gold Wrap each week for a recap of the week’s economic and political news as it relates to gold and silver, along with some insightful commentary.


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