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March 16, 2018Friday Gold Wrap

Nope! Everything Is Not Great: SchiffGold Friday Gold Wrap 03.16.18

The SchiffGold Friday Gold Wrap podcast combines a succinct summary of the week’s precious metals news coupled with thoughtful analysis. You can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes.

Mainstream economists, talking heads and government officials keep telling us everything about the economy is great. But it’s not. In this episode, host Mike Maharrey focuses in on the latest retail sales data and concludes there are some real problems lurking. He also talks about countries buying and repatriating gold, and shares some more bullish news in the silver market.

Tune in to the Friday Gold Wrap each week for a recap of the week’s economic and political news as it relates to gold and silver, along with some insightful commentary.

You can also listen on SoundCloud.

Show Notes

Toys R Us – How Bad Assumptions Fed Bad Financial Planning Creating Failure

Larry Kudlow Says Things Are Fine on the Cusp of the Great Recession

Risk vs. Return: Silver Looks Like a Good Bet

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