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April 7, 2023Friday Gold Wrap

Dollar Woes: SchiffGold Friday Gold Wrap April 7, 2023

The dollar may be king, but its throne is getting a little tippy. In this episode of the Friday Gold Wrap podcast, host Mike Maharrey talks about the slow but steady erosion of the dollar’s global dominance and the possible ramifications. He also explains how Federal Reserve monetary policy is like poison.


  • Monetary poison
  • One big banker says the crisis isn’t over
  • Gold cracks $2,000
  • Central banks are still buying gold
  • Dollar woes

The SchiffGold Friday Gold Wrap podcast combines a succinct summary of the week’s economic precious metals news coupled with thoughtful analysis. You can subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts and other podcasting platforms. The links are below.

Tune in to the Friday Gold Wrap each week for a recap of the week’s economic and political news as it relates to gold and silver, along with some insightful commentary.


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