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FAQ Introduction

How Do I Buy Gold: The ABC’s

1. Is gold a good investment for me?

One hundred years ago, one ounce of gold would have bought you a nice suit of clothes. Today, an ounce of gold will still buy you a nice suit of clothes. Dollars, on the other hand… Well, we all know that a dollar can’t buy the same things it did when we were kids, let alone what it could purchase a century ago.

So if you’re socking away funds for retirement, why save in dollars?

The US dollar is consistently losing purchasing power. Plus, in today’s banking environment it can actually cost money to keep your savings in a bank account. Buying and holding gold is one of the best ways to ensure that the $100 you have today will maintain its purchasing power decades into the future.

You don’t have to be extravagantly wealthy to buy gold – anyone who has started a nest egg can allocate a portion of it towards the yellow metal.

SchiffGold and Peter Schiff generally recommend keeping 10-15% of your portfolio in gold and silver.

For more information about why people invest in gold:

Read SchiffGold’s Investment Philosophy

Download SchiffGold’s Free White Paper: Why Buy Gold Now?


2. What kind of precious metals products should I purchase?

If you buy gold and silver for the right reason – as a long-term savings vehicle – then you want to buy the best-known bullion products for the lowest possible prices. Fortunately, the best-known products are usually the best-priced options. They are relatively common and their value is determined by their weight, not erstwhile values like “rareness” or “collectibility.”

There are thousands of gold products on the market, but the list of well-known bullion products from reputable mints and refineries is short. Generally, you want to buy gold coins or bars from one of the major national mints or larger private refineries. You will notice these are the only products we feature on the SchiffGold website. (Read more about our product policies here.)

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SchiffGold also offers some of the lowest pricing in the entire industry!

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