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September 12, 2024Original Analysis

Schiff’s Debate Take: The Establishment Hates Trump

After the Presidential debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump on Tuesday, Peter took to X Spaces to give his thoughts on both candidates’ performance and take questions from his followers. In the recording, he spends a few minutes discussing why Harris is such a terrible prospect for president before opening up the discussion to audience Q&A. 

Culture war issues aside, Kamala’s most terrifying trait is her disdain for free markets:

“The big problem that I see with Harris– and Trump was correct to point this out– is that Harris was raised by a Marxist and does not really believe in capitalism. Now, she can’t come out and say that when she’s running for president in America. But in her heart of hearts, she doesn’t believe in capitalism. You know, when she says she wants to build an opportunity economy, it’s because she doesn’t understand that we already have one. That’s what capitalism is about.”

She loves to boast about her credentials as a government prosecutor and legislator, but she fails to realize that this reveals her lack of understanding in economics:

“She doesn’t understand where wealth comes from because she’s never actually created any. She doesn’t know why we have jobs or why we have goods and services because she’s never been a part of that. She’s been in politics. And when she wasn’t in politics, she was a lawyer in politics. Right? So she didn’t really work in the real economy, and she doesn’t understand how the real economy works.”

Harris touts her recent establishment endorsements, especially that of Vice President Dick Cheney and other Republicans. Peter explains why this is actually a plus for Trump:

“One thing Donald Trump is not as an establishment neocon. Harris brought up the fact that Dick Cheney is supporting her, which is reason enough to vote for Trump if Dick Cheney is supporting Harris. But it doesn’t surprise me that a lot of these rhinos are supporting Harris because they were never really Republicans. They really were Republicans in name only.”

Trump is a threat to established interests in Washington, D.C. His campaign and his critics both expose the similarities between Democrats and Republicans in 2024:

“The major political parties have a lot more in common. That’s why they argue about nothing because they have nothing of substance that they really disagree with. They both believe in big government. They both want to spend a lot of money. They both want a lot of regulation. They just want to spend it in different ways or to regulate in different ways. And so they don’t have any real substance. So they just call each other names. But I think Trump is a breath of fresh air in that respect. And that’s why so many people in the establishment on either side of the aisle don’t like him.”

Be sure to check out the Q&A portion of the night, and follow Peter @PeterSchiff to participate in future Spaces. 

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