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November 10, 2016Original Analysis

Peter Schiff Calls “Hidden Vote” for Trump Before Election Results

In an interview with RT News Tuesday night just as the election was getting started, Peter Schiff showed, once again, his acumen and insight for reading economic and political situations correctly. After Larry King asked if the election’s comparison to Brexit was appropriate, Peter accurately described the simmering voter angst at the economy and predicted the existence of a “hidden vote” for Trump that would soon prove to have eluded pollsters.

“If this election were a referendum on the economy, Trump would win in a landslide, but there are so many issues clouding people’s decisions. This Obama recovery, for most people, is actually worse than the recession that we’re supposedly recovering from. The middle class has been eviscerated. Nobody has been lifted out of poverty … Barak Obama promised change, but delivered more of the same. I don’t think people are going to buy the empty promises from Hillary, where she’s going to succeed where Obama failed. There could be a sentiment, a vote for Trump that is maybe not being picked up in the polls, and that might be a similarity to what happened in the U.K. with Brexit.”



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