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Key Gold Headlines

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November 27, 2023Key Gold Headlines

Chinese Investors Turning to Gold

Chinese investors are turning to gold. China Daily called the demand for gold “robust” through the first three quarters of 2023 and said it is expected to continue “as economic and geopolitical uncertainties may drive up investors’ purchases of safe-haven assets.”

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November 22, 2023Key Gold Headlines

Americans Increasingly Tapping Into Their Retirement Accounts to Make Ends Meet

“Resilient” American consumers are digging into their retirement funds to pay their bills. Mainstream financial pundits, politicians, and Fed officials keep telling us the economy is strong because Americans keep spending money. They just assume this is a sign of economic strength without ever asking exactly how they’re paying for all of this “robust” spending.

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November 20, 2023Key Gold Headlines

Industrial Demand for Silver on Pace to Set Record in 2023

Industrial demand for silver is expected to set a record in 2023. According to a forecast by Metal’s Focus in conjunction with the Silver Institute, industrial silver demand is on pace to rise by 8% to a record 632 million ounces.  Investment in photovoltaics, power grid, and 5G networks, along with growth in consumer electronics […]

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November 16, 2023Key Gold Headlines

Major Hedge Fund Turns to Gold

Greenlight Capital reported a major increase in its exposure to gold as the hedge fund’s founder worries about the direction of the markets. In a Q3 letter to investors, David Einhorn expressed concern about geopolitical uncertainty, the rising price of oil, and inflation.

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