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March 22, 2023Interviews

Peter Schiff: More Bailouts Are Coming Down the Pike

The dust continues to settle after the failure of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank, and the ensuing government bailout. Many people in the mainstream seem to think the crisis has passed. But a closer look at the condition of the banking system reveals these two banks were just the tip of the iceberg. Peter […]

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March 20, 2023Interviews

Peter Schiff: Americans Will Pay for These Bank Bailouts

Peter Schiff appeared on the Capitol Report on NTD News to talk about the bank bailouts and the possible ramifications. He said that no matter what President Joe Biden and others tell you, Americans are going to pay for this. The interview started with a clip of Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen assuring Congress that the […]

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February 21, 2023Interviews

Peter Schiff: Here’s Why Inflation Is Going to Get Worse

The January CPI report threw cold water on the idea that the Federal Reserve has inflation under control. While the headline annual CPI came down a tick to 6.4%, month-on-month prices rose by 0.5%. After the data came out, Peter Schiff appeared on NTD News to explain why inflation is going to get even worse.

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February 8, 2023Interviews

Peter Schiff: Inflation Is Going to Get Much Worse (Interview)

The mainstream seems more and more convinced that the Federal Reserve can bring inflation back down to 2% without creating any significant problems in the economy. After the February FOMC meeting, Fed chair Jerome Powell even suggested that the economy would avoid dipping into a recession. But in an interview on Fox Business with Liz […]

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