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August 30, 2013Interviews

Buy Gold Before the Coming Rally Leaves You Behind (Video)

CNBC’s Futures Now spoke with Peter Schiff last night about the long-term outlook for the gold market in the face of the Syrian crisis and the Fed’s talk of tapering. Peter also answered a question from the audience about the likelihood of the government confiscating physical gold in the event of a major economic collapse. […]

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August 22, 2013Interviews

Peter Schiff: Economy Is Imploding, Not Growing (Video)

Greg Hunter of USAWatchDog spoke with Peter Schiff about his latest commentary, “The GDP Distractor” and the true size of the US economy. Peter talks about whether or not you should keep your money in the banks and why Americans should expect to pay more for less in the coming years. The standard of living […]

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July 29, 2013Interviews

Buy Gold Low to Prepare for the Real Crisis (Video)

In his latest interview with Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog, Peter Schiff explains the turnaround in gold prices and what investors should be prepared for in the future. [Gold] is really setting up for a huge reversal, because once the technicals turn around and the momentum goes back to the upside…the gold [that speculators] sold on […]

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July 25, 2013Guest Commentaries

Jim Rickards: The Fed Is Just Wrong About Recovery (Audio)

Enjoy this excellent audio interview with Jim Rickards, author of Currency Wars, on the Korelin Economics Report. Rickards dissects the Fed’s forecasting record and explains why quantitative easing is destroying the economy. “The Fed’s forecasting record has been abysmal. The Fed has been wrong four out of the last four years in terms of their […]

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July 24, 2013Interviews

The Dollar Is Going to Collapse Before the Market (Audio)

Tekoa Da Silva of Bull Market Thinking interviewed Peter Schiff last week about the ugly reality that faces the economy when the Fed’s quantitative easing backfires. [The Fed] pretends that there is an exit strategy, knowing that exit is impossible. They just have to maintain the pretense as long as they can before the market […]

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July 17, 2013Interviews

Peter Schiff: “All Evidence Points to Recession”

In an exclusive interview with Jimmy Mengel of Outsider Club, Peter Schiff talks about the inevitability of another major recession thanks to the Fed’s unending stimulus. Enjoy. I think [the Fed will] step on the gas and roll [QE] up to 125 billion or 150 billion. Because it’s like drugs and a tolerance. The economy […]

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July 12, 2013Interviews

Santelli & Peter Schiff: The Fed Will Lose Control (Video)

Peter Schiff had a friendly conversation with Rick Santelli this morning on CNBC’s Squawk on the Street. They discussed how the Fed’s quantitative easing has become uncontrollable and why this will make the next crisis even worse than the last. I think eventually you’re going to see a real attack on the dollar and the […]

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June 28, 2013Interviews

Gold May Be Volatile, but It’s Not Dead (Video)

In his latest appearance on Fox Business, Peter Schiff gets in a friendly argument about the hidden inflation obscured by phony government measurements. He also reminds investors that we’ve seen volatility like this in the gold market in the past, just before gold soared to new highs. The definition of inflation is an expansion in […]

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June 25, 2013Interviews

Peter Schiff: The Future of Gold (Video)

Peter Schiff recently spoke with Stefan Molyneux, host of Freedomain Radio, about the truth behind the gold market correction. Their wide-ranging discussion is an excellent introduction to how the economy reached the quagmire it is in now and how a healthy economy functions. Peter also gives advice on how to avoid and prepare for the […]

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