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July 16, 2023Interviews

Jim Grant: Rivets Are Popping in the Economy

Can the Federal Reserve navigate a narrow path and slay price inflation while steering the economy to a soft landing? During an interview on CNBC Squawk Box, financial analyst Jim Grant expressed his doubts. He compared Jerome Powell’s task to Captain Chelsey Sullenberger’s when he was forced to land a US Airways plane on the […]

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May 10, 2023Interviews

Peter Schiff: This Is an Inflation Tsunami

Peter Schiff recently appeared on Real America with Dan Ball to talk about the ongoing banking and financial crisis. Peter emphasized that the Federal Reserve and the US government are trying to fix a problem that they caused. And their cure is going to unleash an inflation tsunami.

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May 9, 2023Interviews

Peter Schiff: The US Is in a Financial Crisis Worse than ’08

During his post-FOMC meeting press conference, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell insisted that the US banking system is resilient and sound. He said this despite the failure of First Republic Bank just days before the Fed meeting. Peter Schiff appeared on the Claman Countdown on Fox News and argued that Powell and others are wrong. […]

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May 2, 2023Interviews

Peter Schiff: Joe Biden Is Rewarding People With Bad Credit

On May 1, new Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) rules went into effect that will allow borrowers with lower credit ratings to qualify for better mortgage rates than they otherwise would have. Meanwhile, borrowers with better credit ratings will pay higher fees to subsidize the program. Peter Schiff recently appeared on Real America with Dan […]

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April 18, 2023Interviews

Peter Schiff: We’d Be Lucky to Escape With Just a Recession

Peter Schiff recently appeared on Real America with Dan Ball to talk about the weakening US dollar, the less-than-stellar jobs report, and the trajectory of the economy. Peter kicked off the interview with a startling statement when Dan said whether it’s oil, de-dollarization, or President Biden’s horrible economic policies, everything is pointing toward a recession […]

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