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Guest Commentaries

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August 30, 2023Guest Commentaries

Gold vs. Keynesian Fallacies

At its recent summit, the BRICS economic bloc announced it will add six new members, including Saudi Arabia. Many people believe the growing influence of BRICS could ultimately dent Western economic power and undermine the dollar’s role as the world’s reserve currency. Many people frame the rise of BRICS as a battle between East and […]

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July 12, 2023Guest Commentaries

Could States Pave the Way for Currency Competition?

The US dollar is on shaky ground. There is a growing trend toward de-dollarization. Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve is tinkering with the idea of a digital dollar that could give the government unprecedented control over your spending. Given the trajectory of the dollar, it might be a good idea to find some alternatives. In other […]

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July 5, 2023Guest Commentaries

The Private Sector Recession

The Federal Reserve has hiked interest rates to levels not seen since before the financial crisis in 2008. The money supply had contracted at a rapid rate. This should cause the economy to slow down. Yet month after month, we get strong job numbers, rosy economic headlines, and assurances that the economy remains robust. What […]

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June 15, 2023Guest Commentaries

Government Job Numbers Make No Sense

Every month, we get government job reports that tell us the labor market is booming. Then we get an avalanche of mainstream headlines telling us that this is a sign the economy is just fine. But these government job numbers simply don’t make sense.

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