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Gold Scams Exposed

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January 6, 2012Gold Scams Exposed

Gold Scams Are Voted the #1 Scam for British Colombia for 2012

It’s not just the U.S. that is plagued with the cheesy gold-buying commercials and ridiculously priced gold coins. Canada also deals with their fair share of gold scams. With the Cambridge House Resource Investment Conference around the corner in Vancouver, BC, it’s important that BC’s Better Business Bureau has created a Top 10 Scam List […]

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December 17, 2011Gold Scams Exposed

The Gift That Keeps on Giving

This holiday season, I came up with a not-so-original idea to buy (or give from stock) silver* as my trademark gift. Not only is it an educational tool that brings up questions about investing and the future of the dollar-based system, but it’s also worth a nice chunk of change. As we speak I’m packing […]

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December 10, 2011Gold Scams Exposed

Read the Fine Print on eBay

Now I usually do my dealing face to face with a local bullion shop, but just as Christmas shopping isn’t always done in a store anymore, neither are all precious metal purchases. Many friends and associates have mentioned the gold and silver buying options on eBay, Craigslist, and Amazon. Turns out it serves the same […]

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December 8, 2011Gold Scams Exposed

Scam Tricks Woman into Buying a Fake Gold Bar

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Although we refer to the conventional pathways to purchasing gold, I’m sure over time as you begin immersing yourself in the precious metal’s community you will find yourself looking for deals in all places. Your ears will begin to perk up when you hear […]

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November 23, 2011Gold Scams Exposed

US Money Reserve, Inc. Guilty of Using Deceptive Sales Tactics

The Austin-based gold dealer US Money Reserve, Inc., has agreed to pay out $5 million to customers who consider themselves victims of wrong-doing by the gold dealers’ sales practices. However, the dealers claim that they, in fact, have done nothing wrong, but are working in compliance with the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act. Just protocol […]

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November 21, 2011Gold Scams Exposed

Bait and Switch 101

When you first venture out to purchase your gold or silver the choices will be plentiful and so will the advice. You’ll face the options like: squares or circles, shiny or dull, and government issued or good ol’ minted bullion. It can become overwhelming and even confusing deciding whether junk or .999 rounds are the […]

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