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Fun on Friday

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June 4, 2021Fun on Friday

Fun on Friday: Getting Prepared

Hurricane season started this week. That means those of us who live in Florida are in preparedness mode – or at least we should be. For you landlocked readers, the notion of a hurricane kit is probably foreign to you. But for those of us who live in hurricane-prone coastal areas, updating the hurricane kit […]

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May 28, 2021Fun on Friday

Fun on Friday: Golden Dad Jokes

As a dad, I have to confess to delivering my fair share of dad jokes. You know what I mean, right? I’m talking about those jokes that make the kids’ eyes roll into the back of their heads and elicit groans from the wife. Let’s be honest; dad isn’t funny. And that’s what makes dad […]

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May 7, 2021Fun on Friday

Fun on Friday: The Most Valuable Trophy in Sports

If you are a regular Fun on Friday reader, you know I love sports. Hockey is my favorite followed by football. My favorite teams are the Tampa Bay Lightning and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Well, all of those worlds collided in a moment of sports harmony this week. Tampa Bay Buccaneers tight end Rob Gronkowski […]

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April 9, 2021Fun on Friday

Fun on Friday: Nice “Work” If You Can Get It

Unemployment is at 6%. Tens of thousands of people apply for unemployment every week (744,000 last week alone). The US government is spending trillions of dollars to “stimulate” the economy. But restaurants in northeast Florida can’t find enough workers to open every day. Does this sound a nutty to you as it does to me?

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April 2, 2021Fun on Friday

Fun on Friday: April Fools!

So, this week was April Fools’ day. I’ve never really been into practical jokes, but I did post something on Facebook to mark the day. “Taxation is the price we pay for a civilized society.” Amusingly, a few people actually took me seriously. They don’t know me very well!

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March 26, 2021Fun on Friday

Fun on Friday: What’s With That Hair?

I have to admit, I have some level of respect for gold smugglers. They are some creative people. And gutsy. And willing to endure a little pain. Not to mention the fact that a lot of them are just trying to avoid taxes. I can understand this desire.

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