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POSTED ON September 23, 2015  - POSTED IN Data Dependent Series, Original Analysis

With many mining companies in the red, analysts expect gold production to drop for the first time since 2008.

According to a Bloomberg report, the anticipated drop in production follows a global surge. Gold output jumped 24% in a decade to a record 3,114 metric tons in 2014, according to data from industry researcher GFMS.

production chart

POSTED ON September 23, 2015  - POSTED IN Key Gold Headlines

The the Bank of Russia bought 1 million ounces of gold in August alone. That boosted the country’s gold reserves to 42.4 million ounces as of Sept. 1, according to an announcement by the bank last Friday. The value of the central bank’s holdings rose to $47.68 billion from $44.96 billion a month earlier.

The Russian central bank’s gold purchases in August topped the 30.5 tons it purchased in March, and was the highest amount in six months.

15 09 23 russian gold holdings

POSTED ON September 22, 2015  - POSTED IN Interviews, Videos

On CNBC this afternoon, Peter Schiff got into another heated confrontation with Scott Nations about the Federal Reserve. Peter defended his record concerning Fed rate hikes, as well as his long-term advice to buy physical gold. Meanwhile, all Nations could turn to as proof of a coming rate hike in 2015 were unemployment figures. But as Peter has consistently pointed out, the phony unemployment data has been constantly improving – so why hasn’t the Fed raised rates?

Peter and Nations refer back to their last encounter in July – click here to watch it now.

I was telling people to buy gold when it was under $300, and it’s still over $1100. Gold has outperformed the US stock market since I made that call. Yes, gold is off the highs. So is the stock market. Gold is down less than the stock market today. I still think it’s going a lot higher, and probably Scott’s not going to buy any…”

POSTED ON September 22, 2015  - POSTED IN Key Gold Headlines

The demand for physical silver rose through the first half of 2015.

The need for silver in manufacturing, its expanding use in health applications, and increased demand for silver jewelry all helped drive the surge.

15 09 22 gorilla glass

According to GFMS Thomson Reuters, the precious metals consultancy, imports of silver into the United States jumped 11% through the end of May, as reported by the Silver Institute.

POSTED ON September 22, 2015  - POSTED IN Guest Commentaries, Key Gold Headlines

Our readers often ask tough questions about the economy, monetary policy and precious metal markets. During a recent interview, Gold Standard Institute USA president Keith Weiner provided some insightful and clear-cut answers to some of the complex issues facing us today.


Weiner was first asked to pinpoint the root of today’s economic mess. He summarized it in one sentence.

The short answer is: rising debt. It’s not only rising, but rising exponentially—the debt doubles about every eight years.”

POSTED ON September 21, 2015  - POSTED IN Data Dependent Series, Key Gold Headlines

Thus far, the so-called economic recovery has done little to improve the lives of everyday Americans.

In yet another sign that the recovery is an illusion, figures released last week and reported by Reuters show American’s household income lost ground last year.

The data released by the U.S. Census Bureau on Wednesday, which showed the inflation-adjusted median income slipping to $53,657 last year from $54,462 in 2013, offered a reminder of the tepid nature of the economy’s recovery.”

15 09 21 median household income

POSTED ON September 18, 2015  - POSTED IN Original Analysis, Videos

Just as Peter Schiff predicted, the Federal Reserve did not raise interest rates yesterday. In fact, in the press conference following the Federal Open Market Committee meeting, Janet Yellen admitted to a reported that it is not impossible that the Fed might hold rates at zero forever.

Peter discusses this news, the movement of the gold price, and the latest economic data in his podcast published yesterday.

Janet Yellen actually believes that if the Fed wanted to keep interest rates at zero forever that they actually could. I’m willing to rule out that possibility. There is no way that interest rates are going to be at zero forever. Not even close. They’re not even going to stay at zero until the end of this decade. There is going to be a currency crisis that forces the Fed to raise rates…”

POSTED ON September 17, 2015  - POSTED IN Guest Commentaries, Interviews, Videos

Marc Faber spoke with Bloomberg TV this morning to explain why he thinks the Federal Reserve will take no significant steps towards raising interest rates when its meeting concludes today. Like Peter Schiff, Faber predicts the Fed will not commit to any steady schedule of rate hike increases and that a fourth round of quantitative easing is just around the corner.

They cut interest rates to zero in December 2008, so in three months time we will have the anniversary of almost seven years of almost zero interest rates. What I’m saying is that this has created a lot of distortions in the system, and I believe we’re going to pay for it…”

What has seven years of zero-percent interest rates done to the US economy? Find out in our free special report: Why Buy Gold Now?

POSTED ON September 16, 2015  - POSTED IN Original Analysis, Videos

Peter Schiff reviews the latest economic data ignored by the mainstream media and maintains his forecast that the Federal Reserve will not raise interest rates this week. Peter also explains why mainstream analysts are all wrong, whether they argue for or against a rate hike.

What does the Fed have to hang their hat on? All the economic data is pointing towards a decelerating economy, towards recession. All they can do it point to the jobs numbers and say, ‘Well, but we have a low unemployment rate.’ So what? First of all, employment has already been a lagging, rather than a leading, indicator. Companies don’t lay people off, and then we have a recession. That’s not how it works…”

POSTED ON September 16, 2015  - POSTED IN Interviews, Original Analysis, Videos

Here’s another story for the “Peter Schiff was right” archive and another testament to just how clueless mainstream economists can be.

Three years ago, it was already becoming clear that ballooning student debt defaults were becoming a major problem. CNBC reported that the loan “industry underestimated defaults by a whopping $225 billion.” We wrote earlier this week about the latest White House data revealing just how much worse the defaults have become.

In the summer of 2012, Peter appeared on CNBC to debate why the federal government should get out of the student loan business. Diana Carew, an economist with the Progressive Policy Institute (PPI), appeared alongside Peter to defend the need for federal college funding.

15 09 16 schiff & carew cnbc

You can watch the video below, in which Carew counters Peter’s economic arguments with straw men, suggesting that Peter wants to “get to decide who goes to college.” Carew used the same emotional rhetoric employed by politicians:

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